Hey Joe Canyon Rim, Cliffhanger Arch und Amphietheater Trail, Moab, UT



Im März 2015 hat sich unser Freund Mal mit uns in Moab, UT getroffen, um gemeinsam mit uns etwas zu explorieren. Allerdings wollte er keine schwierigen Trails fahren, so dass ich vorgeschlagen hatte, zum Hey Joe Canyon Rim zu fahren. Gleich in der Nähe findet sich Cliffhanger Arch. Auf dem Rückweg sind wir dann noch den Amphie Theater Trail gefahren. Der Amphie Theater Trail ist ziemlich unbekannt und liegt genau zwischen der Dellenbaugh Tunnel Route und Secret Spire. Partiell ist diese Route nicht einfach zu finden, da Teile über Slickrock führen. Am Ende des Amphie Theater Trails findet man sich am Rande eines unbenannten Canyons.

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We went up US313, north of Moab and turned right into Dubinky Well Road.
We aired down and followed the road, which goes straight.
Tombstone (The Needles) in the background. At this fork, we went left. Straight is the well.
A nice and easy road towards Rainbow Rocks.
The Neeles in front of us.
We followed Spring Canyon Point Road.
In front of us, we could see Helmet Rock.
After passing Helmet Rock, we went right on a lesser trail.
We followed this trail and stayed left at the fork.
There had been a couple of washouts on this trail.
After a short distance, we arrived at Hey Joe Canyon Rim.
We had some spectacular views here.
Below us is Hey Joe Canyon.
We had to climb down a bit...
... to reach the rim.
And had a good view into the canyon.
On the other side is Hey Joe Canyon Point, which we saved today for another trip.
Down below, one could see some mining equipment.
At the mouth of the canyon is the Green River.
After some time, we followed the ongoing trail and after a while, we reached the end of the trail.
Below us is Cliffhanger Arch. It is not so easy to see.
Cliff Hanger Arch
Mal, trying to find a good spot to take a picture.
Cliffhanger Arch
Cliffhanger Arch
Cliffhanger Arch
Cliffhanger Arch
Cliffhanger Arch
Cliffhanger Arch
Mal, enjoying the view...
...and in front of the arch.
On the way back to Spring Canyon Point we stopped once more...
...and had a good view on the Green River.
Green River
Green River
Rim view...
And a mini arch.
On our way back to Spring Canyon Point Road.
Easy slickrock driving.
Climb up to the fork with Spring Canyon Point Road.
Back on Spring Canyon Point Road.
The Bookcliffs in the distance.
And the Rainbow Rocks in front of us.
Rainbow Rocks
More Rainbow Rocks.
After some time, we reached the turn off to the Amphietheater trail.
We followed the trail...
The trail comes down from the top in the background via a dirt hill.
Some slickrock driving...
Mal in his Tacoma.
After some time, we reached the end of the trail and explored the vicinity.
Nice views...
Begin of an alcove...
Nameless canyon.
Mal, enjoying the view.
Down in the Amphietheater...
Somewhere nearby, should also be the Dellenbaugh Tunnel.
Our rigs are waiting for us.
Astrid, spotting, where the trail goes.
Mal, climbing up a ledge...
The Amphietheater...
Astrid, showing the way, to go.
Mal, climbing up a slickrock section...
Somewhere from down there, we came up.
Still climbing.
The steep dirt hill...
Load more

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Tracklog: Hey Joe Canyon Rim, Cliffhanger Arch und Amphietheater Trail, Moab, UT (272 Downloads )

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