Rock Canyon Point, Moab, UT

One may ask, what the hell is Rock Canyon Point. We got to know about this point, when reading an old description about trails northwest of Moab, UT last year and when we did our run to 'The Very End'. Rock Canyon is the largest tributary…

The Very End, Moab, UT

As we are visiting the north west region of Moab quite often, we tried to find this time an old trail to a view point above the Green River, which is located on the oposite side of Keg Point. The name of the trail is "The Very End" We…

Kanab Point, Arizona Strip, AZ

Besides the well known viewpoints at the Grand Canyon North Rim there are a lot of other, not very well known overlooks existing. One of this overlooks is  "Kanab Point", which is located, where Kanab Creek meets the Grand Canyon. This…

Whitmore Canyon, Arizona Strip, AZ

Sometime ago we read in a disscusion group about a route to the Grand Canyon North Rim, which is part of Arizona Strip. Rolf (Hatchcanyon) wrote a report about his trip to this overlook and gave me a lot of information through the …