Hole-In-The-Rock Trail, Halls Crossing, UT


Hole-In-The-Rock Trail leaves pavement close to Halls Crossing, UT. This trail has nothing to do with Hole-In-The-Rock Road, which leads from Escalante, UT down to Lake Powell. This is one of the most scenic trails, I ever drove. We did a two day trip with one overnight stay close to the end of the Hole-In-The-Rock Trail. This is definitely a difficult trail and not as easy as Hole-In-The-Rock Road. This event was an Offroadpassport run.

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Before we went on the trail in the morning, we came for one night at the campground in Halls Crossing...
...and enjoyed the views next morning.
Campground picture...
To start the trail run, we had to go a little bit backward on pavement...
...and soon we hit the dirt.
Nice scenery all over...
At the beginning, it was an easy dirt road.
We stopped after a couple of miles and checked out those old cars.
Group shot...
We continued on an easy trail...
Right at the fork...
Some hills around us...
Some minor slickrock driving.
Going up...
Short break, before we went on the next slickrock stretch.
On the way up to the first named obstacle...
What a nice Cherokee !
Kris, coming down Twister.
Going down...
The group is moving on...
The old trail came from the right...
Load more

Here one can also download a gpx file of this trip:

Tracklog: Hole-In-The-Rock Trail, Halls Crossing, UT (1977 downloads )

The following map shows the trail:

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