Spring Canyon Point Road, Moab, UT


In march, 2015 we had some time left and thought, we will do some easy run that day. It has been a long time, since we last drove Spring Canyon Point Rd. to the end. I also had some information about some side roads, which we wanted to explore. One is a trail, located between the Dellenbaugh Tunnel turn off and Secret Spire, called the Amphietheater Trail. The other one is a small side step, shortly before Spring Canyon Point. That one is, according to an old trail book, the best overlook point on the Green River. We also passed the side trail to Cliffhanger Arch. All other side roads, we wanted to explore, had been either no more existing or closed.

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We drove Dubinky Well Rd. off US313.
On Spring Canyon Point Rd., we first explored a trail, which dead ended.
So we went back to the point, where we came down from Spring Canyon Point Rd.
And followed another trail, which finally was the Amphietheater trail.
We followed the trail, which was partly hard to follow. After some time, we reached some kind of an overlook. We stopped here and enjoyed the vista. The trail continues down a dirt hill from here.
View back towards Rainbow Rocks and Tombstone.
Nice view...
The jeep was waiting for us...
After some time we left and headed back to Spring Canyon Point Rd.
Nice view along the trail...
The trail behind us...
Still on our way to Spring Canyon Point Rd.
The last climb, before Spring Canyon Point Rd.
On our way towards the side trail, close to Spring Canyon Point. We passed also Helmet Rock, where there is a trail to the right, which brings you to Cliffhanger Arch.
Nice mini arch...
The Green River below us.
Astrid, taking a picture.
Green River...
Horseshoe Bend...
Green River...
Hoodoo at the rim...
After some time, we left and drove the short distance to Spring Canyon Point.
Interesting geological formations...
Spring Canyon Point...
The Green River below us...
An alcove on the opposite side of the river.
The jeep got safely parked.
Spring Canyon Point...
The other side of Spring Canyon Point.
After some time we drove back.
Rainbow Rocks and Tombstone are coming closer...
On our way back to Moab after a relaxing day.

Here one can also download a gpx file of this trip:

Tracklog: Spring Canyon Point Road, Moab, UT (814 downloads )

The following map shows the trail:

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