Hole In The Floor, Kingman, AZ


In march 2017, we went with Wayne & Gwen, Ric, Paul, Russ & Cathy and George & Diane on a trail, which allowed us to cross the Cerbat Mountains. We started pretty close to Kingman, AZ. A part of the trail is a shelf road, which not everybody might like. The trail is called Hole In The Floor, because at the end of the shelf road is a mine shaft, which goes straight into the ground. In the oldern days it might have happened, that people drove into that hole.

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George going up the gatekeeper.
Me going up the gatekeeper.
Russ and Cathy going up the gatekeeper.
Paul going up the gatekeeper.
Exploring a side trail, which leads up to a mine at the top of the mountain in the background.
We had a short stop at the mine. What a view from here.
Cathy and Gwen at the mine.
After the mine we faced a pretty bad climb...
George, fighting his way up.
Me going up. Because of my wider wheel stance, it was slightly easier for me.
Russ, fighting his way up.
This picture shows very well, how deep the ruts had been...
Russ did a great job, going up that hill. Here is also a video: https://www.facebook.com/offroaddance/videos/310822072667679/
After that section, the trail got again easier.
Shelf road towards Hole In The Floor (believe me, I hate shelf roads :)).
Lunch break at Hole In The Floor...
Hole In The Floor in front of us...
Hole In The Floor is now fenced off, so that nobody is driving into it.
Another mine shaft...
Nice view...
We went over the mountain range and this is the view from the other side.
We stopped at another mining area.
The ongoing trail got again a little bit rougher...
Stop at another mine...
Steep road up to the mine...
A deep mine shaft...
Russ and Georg discussing about the mine...
Russ and George discussing Russ´s latest modifications.
On the way back to the pavement...
Almost back at the pavement.

Here one can also download a gpx file of this trip:

Tracklog: Hole In The Floor, Kingman, AZ (774 downloads )

The following map shows the trail:

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