Serendipity, Kingman, AZ


After we ran Moss Wash – The Hard Way and Sleeping Princess in 2015, Wayne and I had been discussing about which trail probably to do in 2016. Wayne suggested Serendipity, but already warned me, that this is a gnarly trail. And, in fact, it is. We started on a wonderful morning with 6 jeeps (2x TJ, 1x LJ, 1x JK, 1x YJ and 1x CJ) to fight us through this close to Kingman, AZ trail.

After the pictures below, there are a couple of videos, too. They had been taken at the gatekeeper.

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Close to Kingman, we left I40 and aired down.
We followed an easy trail...
...and arrived at the gatekeeper. This time, there was not much sand filled in, so the climb was quite big.
View backwards.
Wayne, ready to climb up !
Wayne started his climb...
...and tried different approaches.
Wayne made it look easy...
Dennis was next...
...and conquered the gatekeeper.
Next was me...
My longer wheelbase helped a lot in climbing up.
Next was Brad, using a safety strap...
Mikes friend also made it up after some fighting.
Almost up...
Then Mikes friend with his CJ gave it a try...
...and Mike climbed it as tailgunner. Overall this was definitely a tough obstacle, wehere a longer wheelbase seems to help.
Everybody was up !
We followed the trai lto the next obstacle.
There are several lines...
Wayne and Dennis went up to the lef, which seemed to me like the easier line :).
Almost up !
Then they forced me to go up a different line, more in the middle.
Then Mikes friend with his YJ was next...
Then the CJ...
and finally Mike in his TJ.
On our way to the next obstacle...
Again, Wayne and Dennis went up to the left...
...and Dennis made it look easy.
Then we went up a different line, which seemed to me, much more scary. Here, the YJ went up that alternative line.
Finally Mike, in his TJ...
Some stretching on the trail...
After a short while, we had our lunch stop.
The trail got partly narrow.
And after some time, we reached our last, difficult obstacle.
Everybody is lined up.
This is the obstacle. The picture does not justify it.
While Wayne and Dennis went through like on a paved road...
I had a big fight, as I had choosen a wrong line and bumped my rear drive shaft a couple of times. But finally, I made it through.
Brad was next and also found a good line.
The YJ also climbed up after a couple of tries.
See those big rocks under the jeep.
Discussion of the right line.
After the YJ, the CJ and Mike in his TJ went up.
One more waterfal, which was not a problem for anybody.
Then we followed a road...
...which got parly 'shelfish'.
And stopped at some kind of pass.
The view was outstanding !!
Then we went down some pretty tippy trail.
Somebody told me, this would be 'Devils Dip'. Maybe Wayne or Ric can comment on this.
Before we came back to the pavement, I had some problem with my steering. At a 90 degree curve, I was just able to drive straight. After some back and forth, the steering worked again and I was able to drive back to town. 
A big thank you to Wayne and the other colleagues, who helped me to fix that problem. After the repair, my steering worked well again.

Here are a couple of videos, taken at the gatekeeper of Serendipity:

And here one can also download a gpx file of this trip:

Tracklog: Serendipity, Kingman, AZ (704 downloads )

The following map shows the trail:

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