Secret Pass Canyon, Golden Valley, AZ


In march, 2016, our friend Wayne offered, to go with us into Secret Pass Canyon, close to Golden Valley, AZ. Some friends from Offroadpassport joined us. This is definitely a difficult, but extremely scenic trail. There is also an arch in this canyon, but somehow we forgot to spot for it. We saw some hikers in the canyon, but no other vehicle at that day.

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Nice vista on our way to Secret Pass Canyon.
Dennis is having fun.
One of Mikes friends with a CJ.
Nice scenery...
On the Powerline Road.
A short break on the way to Secret Pass Canyon.
We are coming closer to Secret Pass Canyon.
Almost at the canyon entrance.
Last break, before we entered the canyon.
In front of the water fall.
Down in Secret Pass Canyon.
Dennis fighting an obstacle !
Me, fighting with the same obstacle !
Big tires help.
Nice balancing...
Almost done... I had some weird noise that day. Fortunately, the jeep held.
Following the canyon...
And one more obstacle.
Short stretch to relax...
And some more rocks.
Mike, going over the famous obstacle in Secret Pass Canyon.
Lots of rocks...
But Mikes friend made it look easy in his YJ.
Mike is also coming through.
Here, we followed a gravel road, which became later some kind of a shelf road.
On the way to the official end of the trail.
We parked at the end of the trail and enjoyed the views. The road was earlier continuing, but is now closed due to a WSA nearby.
So we had to go back the same way, we came in and could enjoy fighting the same obstacles backwards.
Dennis, approaching that climb..
...and making it look easy.
One more rock garden...
And then almost back at the start of Secret Pass Canyon.
Wayne, approaching the waterfal. Dennis, waiting in line...
Perfect climb from Wayne...
...and Dennis.
And then on the way out, back to Golden Valley.
Almost back at the pavement.

Here one can also download a gpx file of this trip:

Tracklog: Secret Pass Canyon, Golden Valley, AZ (1647 downloads )

The following map shows the trail:

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