Moss Wash – The Easy Way, Kingman, AZ

As some of our friends did not want to drive any difficult trail, we did this time Moss Wash – The Easy Way. Two years ago, we had been running ‘The Hard Way‘, which is a different animal. The trail was mostly easy at the time, we were running it. There was just one steep climb and probably not everyone might like the shelf road on the way out (especially, if there are some bigger rocks lying around in the middle of the road, like in our case).

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We met at the Blake Ranch exit and drove a mellow road. On the way, we had to register at a kiosk.
Easy road...
We passed the entrance of 'The Hard Way' and went into Cedar Wash Road.
Airing down...
Following a mellow trail...
Up we are going...
And down on the other side...
Still going down...
We arrived down in Moss Wash.
Having a short break...
A steep climb is waiting for us...
After the climb, the road got easier.
A lot of brushes around us...
Trying to find a lunch spot with some shade.
We found a good spot with lots of shade.
After lunch, we continued on our way.
On our way out...
Starting our climb up to the shelf road (did I tell, that I hate shelf roads !).
On our way...
Slow and easy...
The shelf road in front of us. Still, a steep climb is waiting to the left.
Finally, we made it up on the shelf road and enjoyed the vista.
Then we arrived at a closed bat cave on the way to the other side of the Hualapai Mountains.
We stopped and took some picture from the area.
All jeeps and even the toyotas did fine all day :).
Excellent view from the other side of the mountains.

Here one can also download a gpx file of this trip:

Tracklog: Moss Wash - The Easy Way, Kingman, AZ (812 downloads )

The following map shows the trail:

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